Thursday, March 20, 2008

Adding Fractions - Flash - Student Explanation


I am always saying that the Smartboard needs to be used to its potential, and not just as a glorified overhead. This post is an example of what I mean. One concept that is hard for students is adding fractions with unlike denominators. There is a wonderful fraction flash file that can be imported right into the Smartboard gallery and used whenever it is needed needed. In this video, Paul, a fourth grader, uses that flash file to show how he added fractions. He also used the camera screen capture tool and the transparency tool so he was able to capture both fractions and put them ontop of one another. He loved making the video, but even better he could really visualize the problem and was positive that it was correct. (If you are doing this with a student, start by using fractions where one denominator is a multiple of the other. Then move on to the rectangular fraction flash file as it will make fractions with denominators up to 24. You can also use the NVLM fraction tool.)

I do not think Paul's understanding would be as strong with an overhead materials. When students trade 1/2 for 3/6 it is often confusing for them. So far I have noticed that this model does not seem to confuse students. Finally, it always amazes me how quickly students pick up on this technology. Having students use this technology to explain their thinking, to prove their thinking or to help support them in their understanding is why this tool is so much more than a glorified overhead!


Anonymous said...

This looks great!
Do you know where to find the fraction flash file?

Jeff Lewis said...

Wow! I was just putting together fraction ideas for the SB in my room for my fourth graders. This is an ingenious way to show addition of fractions. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Hi, Loved the video and will definitely use it in my teaching. Could you possibly tell me where you got the fraction Flash file from please?

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful!!!! Thanks for posting it. I too have look in the NLVM and can't find the flash file you used. Do you have to have the paid version to do this. Thanks again!!!!!!!

~JFV~ said...
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~JFV~ said...

Great work. I too use the Smart Board and recorder with our second language (English) students. The practice of speaking through the use of these tools is beneficial! I too would like to know where you found the fraction flash file. I can’t seem to find it in my Smart notebook or the Smart web site. Thanks, Jose in Phoenix, AZ.

Linda said...

Get the flash file on my CSD fraction website, (see the next post for more of an explanation.)

See side links or go to

Anonymous said...

AWESOME- and I hear you when you say the SMARTBoard NEEDS to e used to it's potential. Even more frustrating is the fact that some are using the SMART Board as big screen tv to watch videos!!!
Anyway-- good job demosntrating how it can and SHOULD be used.
Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the flash file link. I know this might sound simple but how to I import to my Notebook program? This is inspiring.

Anonymous said...

Who knows where to download XRumer 5.0 Palladium?
Help, please. All recommend this program to effectively advertise on the Internet, this is the best program!

How to Calculate Density said...

Its good to learn the way in which two fractions of unlike denominators are added.